Showing posts with label retreat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retreat. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2013

As the father goes, so goes the home

I had dinner recently with a wise, dear friend. He works with youth & offered me an assessment I had not heard before. Netted out, his hypothesis is that as the father in a family goes, so goes the rest of the home. If the father is away all the time, angry often, doesn’t love his wife, and/or doesn’t treat his wife well in front of his children, well, then there’s trouble.  Kids grow up with things wrong in critical areas.

I thought quite a bit about what he said, and which of those apply most to me. It was a humbling period of self-reflection.

I know I don’t have the strength, wisdom, persistence, and myriad other things I need to raise good kids. The only chance I’ve got is to lean into my faith, to get these things from God. For me, this starts with prayer. Yet for most of my life, prayer was something I did half-heartedly. Sure, I did it before meals, and foxhole prayers when life got scary. Gradually, I did it in the mornings occasionally, or just before falling asleep at night. But it wasn’t a focus, a priority, a value.

There were two big things that changed my approach to prayer, making it essential. I was scared straight.

The first was a culmination, an awakening of sorts. After our first child was born, I found myself besieged right before I fell asleep with potent fear of horrific things happening to my son. This went on for some time and one day I read the story of Martin Luther being awakened by the Devil in the middle of the night. Luther, realizing who it was, replied, “Oh, it’s only you” and went back to sleep. I was reading one of John Eldredge’s books, learning about spiritual warfare and the value of prayer. I tried praying against those fears at night, exposing them for what they were, and you know what? It worked!

The power of prayer really came home for me a year or so later. To make a long story short, I felt like evil had its hooks in me, and it rattled me to my core. I got past my reluctance to as for help, asking my wife & friends to pray for me. I prayed for days, deeply disturbed in my soul, asking God for wisdom & perspective. What I realized in the midst of this was I had too few verses of scripture in memory. Put another way, I knew of the armor of God, but had no idea what it was, how to put it on, what it was about. I did not want to be caught so unprepared again.

So I began praying Eldredge’s daily prayer. It seems long & involved. And it is; check out the references to scripture. And I’ve realized that it is an insurance policy, a shield in the daily spiritual warfare that surrounds us all. I know on the days when I don’t make the time for prayer in the morning that I should expect things to go haywire. Prayer in the morning isn’t a cure-all, a guarantee of smooth sailing. It does ground me, help me get closer to God, and practice covering my family and myself in prayer. And it provides me with a touchpoint with God, a place to evaluate how things are going in my walk with Him.
Are you walking with God daily? Are you in a community of men who can tell you of the good they see in you—and challenge you to live the life God intended for you? Are they lifting you up in prayer, and challenging you to do the same for them, yourself, and your house?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

No Regrets, Healing, and The Crucible Project

On Saturday, Feb. 2, I attended the No Regrets simulcast at my church. Having prayed for the men of our community and the conference overall, I wondered as I arrived in the morning if this would be a "typical" men's breakfast/conference.

A good friend of mine says that Satan pours the syrup at men's breakfasts, and I think he's right. I don't think there's anything wrong with feeding guys--in many cases the food is key to bringing & keeping them there. What my friend means is men go to these breakfast events, nod their heads & maybe take some notes…and leave. Maybe there's some small talk, maybe even a resolution to make a change or two. But these are the exceptions.

As the keynote started, I realize it would not be Satan pouring the syrup. It was an exceptional day on many levels, especially the teaching. Kenny Luck's morning keynote, imploring men to fight & rise, was inspiring. I also loved the challenges, style, & substance of James MacDonald's talk, "Act Like Men".

We were fortunate enough to have some great speakers for local breakout sessions. Among these was John Casey, who came to speak about healing. Though healing doesn't seem like a natural progression from Luck & MacDonald, it was for the men in the room. Casey asked who needed healing, and around what, spoke powerfully about the need for healing, echoing Luck's comments from the keynote. He spoke of men's isolation, and our wounds, and how these wounds, unaddressed, continue to resurface in our lives. He shared openly about some of his biggest mistakes, tracing them back to his wounds. This introspection & risk-taking, this authenticity, is something men see little of--and do even less than they see.

At one point, Casey asked the men in the breakout to take the risk he modeled, to announce one of their failures. Several men offered up relational failures, taking risk to share where they blew it. Getting guys this far is outside the norm, an achievement, an opportunity. Then a man sitting in the corner, in the back, shared his failure to trust his instincts when something didn't seem right. He later learned he should have trusted his instincts, not a person he thought he could trust. The cost was terrible & tragic. This man shared from his heart, taking a huge risk. You could have heard a pin drop. In fact, if you'd looked around, you would have seen tears drop, as men were broken by this man's story, grieving for him & those impacted by his failure. 

This man took a big risk, sharing a big truth. I've heard Greg Huston say, "Little truth, little grace. Big truth, big grace". I believe he's right, and the men in that room watched this man receive grace from other men, many strangers. The man who shared said he'd received big grace from God, and I believe him. I get goosebumps thinking about my front row seat that day, watching men risk, share, & support each other, feeling the Holy Spirit's finger prints on the session.

That is why I staff men's weekends, take 3-4 hours on alternate Saturdays to meet with my men's group. There we help carry each other's burdens, point out what we see that the man with an issue cannot see, challenge each other to do our best for God's will in our lives, and support each other when we fail. These men are my insurance policy, my challenge, and my bellwether as I seek to live a life with No Regrets.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Crucible Project: What You Won't See

If you've been looking for information on The Crucible Project online, you may have found some posts that are, let's say, less than accurate.

Here are two things that you won't see on a TCP weekend:
  • Devotionals on Rocky (the movie)
  • Men blindfolded & kneeling on a concrete floor
By this, I mean it doesn't happen--not that it does & you won't see it. Especially the part about the blindfold--get it?

How can I say that, & moreover, why listen to me?
  • I went through the weekend in March, 2010
  • I staffed a weekend in March, 2012
Neither of these things happened when I went through or staffed.

Full disclosure: 
  • I believe in & trust The Crucible Project & its mission.
  • I'm not being paid or rewarded in any way to write this (or any) blog entry.