Friday, March 22, 2013

Crucible Project Weekend Retreat: What it is about

Wednesday night after work I drove to a meeting room in another town. What I saw there represents the Crucible Project weekend very well.
  • I saw men talking of their brokenness, what they learned, and how they're different. since the weekend.
  • I saw women honoring their men for the courage they had, the battle they faced, and the change they've manifested since their return from the weekend.
  • I saw friends of participants celebrating the courage, dedication, and transformation of their friends.
  • I saw a humble group of men who staffed the weekend honored for their service by participants & witnesses.
  • I saw weekend leaders honoring the staff, the participants, and their families for their preparation, hard work, and blessings. And the leaders took nothing for themselves.
Truths were spoken, tears were shed. Grand promises were avoided. Men understand the change with the most impact is the one spoken in confidence to brothers for accountability, and demonstrated without fanfare to those they love, on Tuesdays and Wednesday nights, and the rest of the week.

Crucible Project: Biblical--Father, Son, & Spirit

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