Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communication. Show all posts

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Crucible Weekend: Advice

Here is what I've learned about advice. Yes, you could say it is advice about advice.
The Crucible Project Advice
Isn't this the truth, most of the time?
  • Don't give it. If a man wants your advice, he'll ask for it.
  • Don't give it in the form of "Here's what I do when I'm in that situation..." This is really a case of me trying to fix the man, or waiting for my turn to talk. Think about it.
  • If it seems a man is looking for advice, I can ask him if that is the case.
    • If he is willing, advice can be more powerful in the form of questions, instead of telling. Example: "What do you think would happen if you asked for what you want?"
  • When a man trusts me, I may have permission to share with him the data of what I observe. If I'm able to do just that, without the drama & emotional vomiting most people bring, there is power in the purity & simplicity there.
    • If a man doesn't trust me, if he doesn't see that I care for him & his life, well...we're both better off if I keep my mouth shut.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Crucible Weekend: Thinking vs. Feelings, or Story vs. Impact

Tonight's post is the next in a series on communication.
  • Guys spend most of their time in their analytical brain. Unfortunately, it seems we socialize men that way, staring very young. Kids who are “sensitive” and show emotion are taught not to express their feelings—or worse, to deny them. This is good for business, but bad, in my opinion, for society at large. 
  • Men can spend endless time on the backstory, the details, all sides of the argument, what they’ve tried, etc. And we get nowhere when we do this. We *do* get somewhere when we can identify what we feel, and a few sentences of context around that. THAT allows men (and women) to connect with us.
  • Asking follow up questions like why usually catapult a man back into his head. It seems like a good idea…until we learn that the very basics of backstory are enough to understand a man where he is. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Communication: Curiosity & Active Listening

Lately I've been thinking about curiosity & active listening, and how important they are when we communicate.
Crucible Project Listening

  • Asking open-ended questions, vs. questions with a yes/no answer.
  • Seeking to understand the other person. My experiences are usually different from those of others, so it takes time, focus, and effort to understand where another person is coming from, what he means, etc.
  • Using my eyes and ears when listening to someone share. I've actually seen someone say yes and shake their head no, unconsciously, in response to a question. Well, truth be told, someone else pointed it out to me. I noticed something, but didn't put it together until another, more observant man pointed it out.
Active Listening
  • Is not just for women! Men respond to this, too. People respond positively if I'm showing them I'm paying attention--without hijacking the conversation.
  • "What I heard you say was..." is a great way for a person to demonstrate this.
  • Back to paying attention & curiosity (above), if you're really paying attention, you might find someone contradicting what s/he said earlier. In my men's group, we often call each other out on things like this.
    • "You say regularly that quality family time is important, but you just told me you avoid conversations with your wife about the calendar. How will quality family time happen if you avoid scheduling it?" Busted! This is one of the countless blessings my family has received when I've been called out for things I say which contradict each other.
Are you genuinely curious about what your spouse is saying? Really?
What about community? Do you have a small group of people who *know* you, who listen well, care for you, and listen--really listen--to what you say? If the answer is no, why not? Groups of emotionally adept people are out there. Sure, it's risky & bumpy

What's in the way of taking the risk & make the effort to be a better listener to your friends, spouse, customers, & children?

Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Crucible Weekend: Communication 101

Tonight's post is about communication, the first in a series.

Being Present in Conversations
If you think about it, this is true.

One thing that is hard for people, particularly men, to do is be present in the moment. I wake up, and over coffee, my to-do list takes off like it is attached to a rocket booster. It is hard to fight the G-force when the kids wake up and demand (and merit) my attention instead. It's hard to leave my agenda aside & listen & focus on what is going on in their worlds first thing in the morning. 

Here are a few tips I've compiled from men who have gone before me.

  • Just wait for my turn to talk
  • Go somewhere else in my mind: work, home, play--whatever is going on other than right there, right then.
  • Think about how I can solve your problem
  • What the other person's body language for clues
  • Listen to understand
  • Work hard to connect with the other person: their feelings, their situation.
I find this works well, for both men & women. People really like to be heard, not told what to do like freshmen at football practice. When someone is busy telling me what I should do in my life, I find it hard to bite back invective, because that person usually hasn’t taken time to know me. Often, they're busy telling me my story--incorrectly.

Are you present, really present in your conversations with other people? What if you were as present as you could be—wouldn’t your relationships be different?

If this is intriguing or hard to grasp, take a step of faith, a risk, and check out The Crucible Project. These men know how to listen, how to be present in the moment. They're willing to listen, model, and teach you this, and many other skills. And you just might change your life.

Who knows? You might learn something meaningful about someone else. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

How to Pray Like a Man

I was reading blogs the other day & found a gem written by David Murrow.
He wrote a brilliant blog entry about the "prayer-speak" we often find in churches. Worship leaders are especially vulnerable to this affliction. When I say often, here's *how* often: I described the title of the post to a friend, who proceeded to tell me 2 of Murrow's 3 points. Busted!

While I thoroughly enjoyed his insightful writing, the part which resonated most with me was his challenge to stop using "just" in front of verbs. He's right when he says it softens the verb that follows. I'm regularly the language police, and now I have a new rule to enforce on myself, to make sure I communicate with more purpose, focus, and authority.

Here's Murrow's post

What do you think? What is your opportunity to pray more like a man?