Friday, June 21, 2013

More on Courage

On the heels of yesterday’s blog about courage, I saw this image & had a reaction.

More courage
'Nuff said
What in my life am I willing to do in order that I may say on my deathbed that I lived well? I don’t mean owning fine things, I mean a life of impact, meaning, and value. I hope my efforts here, at home, in my church stir men to action, healing, and leadership in their homes, jobs, and communities. Impact such that these same men challenge & encourage me to do the same.

Shakespeare said "A coward dies a thousand deaths, but the valiant taste death but once." 

How do you want to be remembered?


  1. very good question. I've been asking myself that question a lot over the last few years.

  2. Me, too. It is humbling to consider the impact of the mistakes I make, especially in parenting. My eldest & I are headed to Dad Camp in a few days, and my thoughts lately have been to set the stage for us to do some things there which scare the crap out of us--so we can say we did something scary (though safe) and build on that.
